
New Era, New Opportunities, New Hopes – ASK Pharm attended 2017 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition and ACPA Awards Banquet


The 2017 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting and Exposition was held in San Diego, CA November 12-15, 2017. ASK Pharm delegate, led by ASK CEO and Chairman of the Board Dr. Qingcai Chen, attended this annual pharmaceutical conference; scientists from ASKGene also presented 2 research posters at the conference. It was a productive gathering for the ASK team.

For the seventh consecutive year, ASK Pharm sponsored the American Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (ACPA) Annual Awards Banquet on November 14. Dr. Chen made the keynote speech of the banquet. Entitled “New Era, New Opportunities, and New Hopes”, Dr. Chen summarized the latest development in ASK operation, ASK Pharm nationa金年会vipl recognitions, and ASK’s future plans for sustainable growth and success. He also presented the ASK Research Awards to 3 Chinese students for their outstanding research posters at the AAPS meeting. This annual ACPA-ASK event has become a valuable and beneficial platform for communication and collaboration between ASK Pharm and oversea Chinese scientists and scholars. Numerous attendees made special speeches during the gathering to express their appreciation of ASK’s generous support of ACPA and oversea Chinese scholars, as well as their good wishes to ASK Pharm for continued success and growth in the future. 



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