
ASK Pharm ranked in “Top 100 Enterprise Innovators in Jiangsu Province (2017)”


The 2018 New Year arrives with continued success and recognition of ASK Pharm in corporate innovations and novel drug discoveries. Recently, Xinhua Daily published the list of “Top 100 Enterprise Innovators in Jiangsu Province (2017)”. Creation of this list has been assessed and compiled by Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Sciences and Technology Development and Strategies, and Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Sciences and Technology Information. ASK Pharm has once again ranked high on the list, the 17th position in overall ranking and the 1st position in pharmaceutical category from Nanjing City.

The evaluation criteria for selecting these 100 enterprises have been focused on overall corporate investment, production, and management of innovations, and corporate strategies and contributions to provincial economy. All award winners have demonstrated the following characteristics: 1) strong and independent ability to generate innovations, 2) increasing and sustainable contributions to economy, 3) significant and well-recognized impact in a specific field, and 4) efficient and consistent corporate management of innovations. ASK Pharm has strategically and significantly invested in novel R&D, product innovations and operating management over the years. ASK Pharm has won numerous provincial and national awards in corporate innovations. ASK brand has been recognized as one of the national brand names in the pharmaceutical industry. ASK Pharm has also made significant and sustainable contributions to provincial and national economy as a brand-name manufacturer. The continued recognition of ASK accomplishments at the beginning of new year will inspire us to keep our success and maintain our leadership for the future.


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